
Rockland County Celebrates 70th Anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education with New Thurgood Marshall Plaza Archway

In a commemorative event marking the 70th anniversary of the landmark Brown v. Board of Education decision, Rockland County Executive Ed Day and Human Rights Commissioner Spencer Chiimbwe proudly unveiled a new iron archway at the entrance of Thurgood Marshall Plaza in New City.

The historic Supreme Court decision, delivered on May 17, 1954, declared the “separate but equal” doctrine unconstitutional, representing a significant stride forward for both equality and human rights in the United States.

The new archway stands as a tribute to Thurgood Marshall’s legacy and the ongoing pursuit of justice and equality. Residents are encouraged to visit the monument, located on Main Street alongside the County Courthouse, to reflect on this pivotal moment in history and its enduring impact on civil rights.

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