
New School and Mesivta Project Launches on 24-Acre Site in Chestnut Ridge

The Wellington Educational Initiative has embarked on a groundbreaking project to develop two new schools on a sprawling 24-acre site located on Red Schoolhouse Road. This ambitious project will see the construction of a new campus for the Bais Yaakov Elementary School and the introduction of a Mesivta, enhancing the educational landscape for Orthodox Jewish communities.

The planned campus, strategically positioned between Summit Road and DeSalvo Court, is set to accommodate both the Bais Yaakov Elementary School for girls and a secondary/post-secondary institution for boys, the Mesivta of Long Island. This development marks a notable expansion from Bais Yaakov’s current location on Route 45, where it has thrived for thirteen years, to a much larger, purpose-built facility designed to cater to the growing needs of its community.

The initiative, first proposed to local authorities in 2019, has now moved into the construction phase. Preparatory work involved clearing the land of trees and leveling the site, laying the groundwork for the two educational facilities. The elementary school is projected to cover approximately 90,000 square feet, while the Mesivta and college will encompass around 51,000 square feet, featuring essential amenities including dormitories for 328 students, recreational areas, and enhanced security measures.

This development represents a shift from initial plans to subdivide the land for residential use, instead consolidating four lots into a single educational campus. The project received special permits from the Village of Chestnut Ridge.

The new schools will significantly impact the local educational scene, with the girls’ school catering to 1,000 students and the boys’ residential school providing a comprehensive educational and living environment for 328 young bucherim.

In addition to educational facilities, the project includes plans for internal roads to ensure safe access for emergency services, school buses, and pedestrian traffic, addressing potential concerns about increased traffic in the area. The developers have also committed to community enhancements, including land donations for road widening and infrastructure improvements along Red Schoolhouse Road.

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