The choson, Reb Elazar Hager, is the son of Reb Yaakov Yosef Hager, who is the eldest son of the Viznitzer Rebbe Of Monsey and son-in-law to the Skvere Rebbe. The kallah is the daughter of Rabbi Pinchas Shalom Rottenberg, the Rebbe of Shiras Halevi’im Kosson in Monsey, himself the son of the Kosson Rebbe and a grandchild of the previous Viznitzer Rebbe, ZT”L.
The logistics for the large-scale event have been meticulously coordinated by YF Productions. Bleachers have been installed to accommodate thousands of men and boys, while hundreds of tables have been arranged for the grand seuda.
The Kabbalas Panim will begin at 3:45 PM, allowing the chuppa to take place before the shkia. The meal will adhere to Skvere minhagim, with the Rebbes joining for the main course, followed by extended dancing and singing led by family members and Chassidim celebrating the joyous occasion.