Thank You And Kesiva V’Chasima Tova From Monsey Scoop

As we end year 5784, Monsey Scoop thanks our large and growing readership who have made this website a success.

We are endlessly grateful to Hakadosh Baruch Hu for the opportunity to provide breaking news coverage and express our deepest thanks to our readers and advertisers who are an integral part of our continued success.

Over the past year, Monsey Scoop has grown from a fledgling website with a core of team members to a website visited hundred of thousands of times each month and a growing team of reporters – and readers! – who provide us with a wealth of information, photos, and videos pertinent to the Monsey region. Our WhatsApp platform is by far the largest in the area, with more than 17,000 local residents following us closely, as we provide breaking news in live time 24 hours a day.

A special word of thanks to our team of reporters who work tirelessly to bring you reliable, accurate information on a moments notice, including: Baruch S, Moishe G, Mendel B, Yossi K, Meir L, Shimon S, Motty F, and Zalmy K.

As we enter 5785, we express our deepest wishes that Hashem grant us all a year of prosperity, health, security, and safety, and may we have the Zechus of reporting the arrival of Moshiach!

Kesiva Vechasima Tova to all!

ויהי רצון שתזכו לכתיבה וחתימה טובה לחיים טובים וארוכים בספרן של צדיקים גמורים

The Monsey Scoop Team


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