Senator Bill Weber Takes the Heat Off Homeowner Resolving Solar Dispute Saving Family $40,000

By the time Moish Levin reached out to New York State Senator Bill Weber’s office for help, the homeowner felt he had already exhausted every other avenue of recourse for his trying situation.

“After nearly a year and a half of fighting with my solar provider regarding faulty panels that not only didn’t produce solar power but were causing the roof to leak straight into my kitchen after any rainstorm,” Levin said. “I was desperate for a solution.”

The solar company leasing the panels to the Levins after the family purchased the house with the lease wasn’t taking responsibility for the leakage.

“They wanted me to foot a $40,000 repair bill for the damage the leased panels were causing,” Levin shared. “I spoke to no less than three lawyers who wanted a fortune after I already spent thousands in an attempt to repair the solar panels, to no avail.”

Eventually, the family filed a complaint with the New York State Attorneys Office of Consumer Protection, which sent the case to the Department of Public Service, which, after months, accomplished nothing.

Within a week of contacting Senator Weber’s office, the solar company sent a crew to investigate the issue. After that, the Levin family was released from the lease of the panels and awarded the system at zero cost while the solar company covered the costs of hiring the special solar contractor needed to uninstall and reinstall the system.

“It was a pleasure meeting Moish Levin in person at last week’s Chill with Bill,” Senator Weber said. “It’s an incredibly good feeling to be able to put a face to a constituent our office was able to help in such a meaningful way. Even though our staff has helped over 1,500 constituents since I took office, it never gets old!”

“I have lots of hakaras hatov to the Senator and his staff,” said Levin. “Without their help, this untenable situation wouldn’t have been resolved as quickly as it was, if at all, without costing me tens of thousands of dollars. My only regret is that I didn’t reach out to them sooner.”


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