State Senator Bill Weber is working with trade unions to advance his statewide legislation in the New York State Assembly that he unanimously passed in the Senate permitting trade unions to recruit in high schools.
Senate Bill S5675 will allow trade unions to give presentations, disseminate literature, and answer questions from high school students upon the invitation of the high school’s principal or their administration. Until now, trade unions were not allowed to give presentations in high schools. Weber’s bill allows students to be aware of options other than college when deciding on an appropriate post-high school path.
“It is important for students to know there are other options out there other than attending a college. Trade unions provide excellent jobs with excellent salaries and benefits, ” Senator Bill Weber said.
It is unusual for a freshman senator like Senator Weber to pass legislation with ramifications that extend beyond that senator’s individual district, which makes this bill all the more momentous.
Senator Weber continues to champion labor issues and has endorsements from the North Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters, LiUNA! NY which represents over 40,000 unionized construction workers, and Local 2001 Transportation Union of America, Railroad Division, AFL – CIO. Additional union endorsements will be announced soon.