The Town of Ramapo played host to a poignant event titled “Empty Shabbos Tables” organized by Chabad of Suffern. This emotional display, witnessed by attendees from various parts of the world, including New York City, Los Angeles, and Rome, aimed to draw attention to the dire situation of the 240-plus hostages kidnapped by Hamas.
The heart of the event lay in the empty place settings at each table, symbolizing the hostages, ranging from babies to entire families and seniors. The significance of this solemn presentation resonated throughout the evening, echoing the heartfelt plea: “Bring them home.”
Supervisor Specht and the Town Board expressed their gratitude to Rabbi Ganz and the dedicated volunteers who brought this important display to life in the Town of Ramapo. The Town of Ramapo Police Department also received special thanks for their support, along with the Rockland County dignitaries who attended the event.
The united message of the evening was clear: “BRING THEM HOME NOW!” This powerful event organized by Chabad of Suffern underscored the importance of international solidarity in addressing the hostage situation orchestrated by Hamas.