The Ramapo Police Department is currently investigating a fraudulent scheme known as the “Roofer Scam,” where individuals posing as professional roofers are preying on unsuspecting homeowners. These scammers approach homeowners, claiming to have noticed damage to their roofs and offering their services at a significantly reduced rate.
After gaining the homeowner’s trust and beginning the work, the scammers suddenly inflate the cost of repairs and demand a $75,000 deposit for a dehumidifier machine to remove moisture from the attic. Believing that the deposit would be returned upon completion of the work, the homeowner issued a check, only to find that the so-called roofers disappeared without finishing the job.
Authorities are urging residents to remain vigilant if approached by anyone offering roofing services at a steep discount. It is crucial to verify the legitimacy of the company by contacting the Better Business Bureau before agreeing to any work or making payments. If you suspect that you have been targeted by this scam, please contact the Ramapo Police Department immediately.