On June 25, 2024, the Ramapo Police Department launched an investigation into social media posts that contained threats targeting the Village of New Square community. The post, which included a map of New Square and Kiryas Joel with the words “ZIONISTS LIVE HERE” alongside references to weapons, prompted immediate action from law enforcement.
Collaborating with the Ramapo detective assigned to the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force and the Rockland County Sheriff’s Intelligence Center, authorities swiftly identified a suspect. Last night, Ramapo detectives arrested a 44-year-old male from Suffern. The suspect has been charged with Making a Terroristic Threat, a Class D Felony. He was arraigned earlier today and subsequently released on his own recognizance.
The Ramapo Police Department expressed gratitude to the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force, the Rockland County Sheriff’s Intelligence Center, the NYSP Intelligence Center, and the Rockland County District Attorney’s Office for their support and assistance in the investigation.
Why do the police decline to identify the man they arrested? Isn’t this normally public information?
Google shows me many articles about this and none of them include a name or mugshot. Why?