A groundbreaking service, “Shabbos Ride,” has been launched by Hatzoloh & Chaverim of Rockland County, aimed at assisting the local community with transportation needs allowed by Halacha on Shabbos and Yom Tov. This initiative is endorsed by esteemed local rabbonim and designed specifically for non-emergency medical situations.
Under Halachic guidelines, which allow certain activities on Shabbos or Yom Tov, community members can now benefit from transportation services to and from hospitals, and for picking up medications from pharmacies. The Shabbos Ride service is tailored specifically for such cases where travel is permitted by Halacha.
Key details of the Shabbos Ride service include:
– Transportation to hospital appointments (not for emergencies)
– Rides back home from the hospital
– Assistance with collecting medications from pharmacies
This service is operated by the Chaverim Shabbos-Goyim team and is currently available exclusively to hospitals in Monsey and surrounding areas. To ensure adherence to halachic guidelines, all phone calls to arrange rides are handled by a non-Jewish dispatcher. Community members in need can arrange for a ride by calling the Chaverim Hotline at 845-371-6333 and then selecting option 2 from the main menu.