Monsey Eruv Alert: Temporary Boundary Adjustment Around Good Samaritan Hospital

Due to ongoing construction near Good Samaritan Hospital, the Monsey eruv has been temporarily adjusted, returning to its previous borders. This change affects coverage along Route 59 and the sidewalks adjacent to Good Samaritan Hospital.

Hemion Road in Montebello is now outside the eruv, impacting residents of Montebello who would otherwise walk to Good Samaritan Hospital via Hemion Road.

For those traveling to or from the hospital from Monsey via Route 59, it’s important to turn left onto Campbell Avenue and proceed to the right toward the Emergency Room entrance or the hospital parking lot to remain within the eruv boundary.

The Bikur Cholim house, the entire hospital complex, and the hospital parking lot remain within the eruv. Visitors should ensure they enter the hospital parking lot to stay inside the eruv.

This temporary boundary update is effective as of Parshas Lech Lecha 5785.


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