Exclusive Opportunity: Rav Gamliel’s Pidyon Nefesh

As we approach Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, the Yamim Noraim, it is a time for reflection, tefillah, and seeking kapparah. What better way to enter these holy days than by connecting with the tzaddikim and mekubalim of Yeshivas Shaar Hashamayim in Yerushalayim, led by Rav Gamliel, the revered Rosh Yeshiva?

Shaar Hashamayim is not just a yeshiva; it is a makom kadosh where the depths of sisrei Torah are learned day and night. This year, you have a unique opportunity to gain a zchus by partnering with this sacred yeshiva. Rav Gamliel is offering a special Pidyon Nefesh ahead of these awesome days, helping you enter the Yomim Noraim with extra siyata d’shmaya.

Join in the light of Torah and tefillah, and merit the blessings of the tzaddikim for a year of geulah, bracha, and yeshuos.



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