As voters prepare to head to the polls on Election Day, here’s everything you need to know to make your voting experience smooth and informed.
In-Person Voting
Polling Locations: To find your designated polling site, check the Rockland County Board of Elections website at this link or refer to your sample ballot. You can also call 845-638-5172 for assistance with locating your polling place or to report any issues.
Poll Hours: Polls are open from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. Stay in line if you arrive before closing; you have the right to vote even if lines are long.
Vote-by-Mail Options
Ballot Drop Boxes: Drop off your completed ballot at your County Board of Elections Office or any polling site in your county by 9 p.m. on November 5th.
Mailing Your Ballot: If mailing, ensure your ballot is postmarked by November 5th. Check with your local post office to confirm it will be postmarked in time.
Voting Reminders
- No Campaign Gear: Leave hats, shirts, and buttons promoting candidates or propositions at home. New York bans such items at polling stations.
- Provisional Ballots: If you’re registered but don’t appear in the poll book, request a provisional ballot, which will be processed separately.
- Request New Ballot if Needed: If you make an error on your ballot, you can ask for a new one. Paper ballots are available if machines experience issues.
Key Races on the Ballot
President and Vice President
- Donald John Trump (Republican, Conservative) / James David “JD” Vance
- Kamala Devi Harris (Democrat, Working Families) / Timothy James “Tim” Walz
U.S. Senate
- Kirsten Elizabeth Gillibrand (Democrat, Working Families)
- Michael Dennis Sapraicone (Republican, Conservative)
- Diane Sare (LaRouche)
U.S. House District 17
- Michael Vincent “Mike” Lawler (Republican, Conservative)
- Mondaire Jones (Democrat)
- Anthony Frascone (Working Families)
New York State Senate
- State Senate District 38
- Elijah Reichlin-Melnick (Democrat)
- William “Bill” Weber (Republican, Conservative)
- Barbara Jean Francis (Working Families)
- State Senate District 40
- Peter Brian Harckham (Democrat, Working Families)
- Gina Marie Arena (Republican, Conservative)
New York State Assembly
- State Assembly District 96
- Ronald Diz (Republican)
- Patrick Carroll (Democrat)
- State Assembly District 97
- Aron Wieder (Democrat)
- John McGowan (Republican)
- Thomas Francis Sullivan (Conservative)
- State Assembly District 98
- Karl Andrew Brabenec (Republican, Conservative)
- State Assembly District 99
- Christopher William Eachus (Democrat, Working Families)
- Thomas “Tom” Lapolla (Republican, Conservative)
Supreme Court Justice (9th Judicial District) – Vote for Five
- Collene Diana Duffy (Democrat, Conservative)
- Brett Broge (Democrat, Conservative)
- Kyle Connor McGovern (Democrat, Conservative)
- Mary Anne Scattaretico-Naber (Democrat, Conservative)
- Rachel Elise Tanguay (Democrat, Conservative)
- Thomas Humbach (Republican)
- Edward Richard Mevec (Republican)
- Karen Ann Ostberg (Republican)
- Mark Thomas Starkman (Republican)
- Leslie Kahn (Republican)
Rockland County Positions
- County Clerk
- Donna Silberman (Democrat, Conservative)
- County Court Judge – Vote for Two
- David Mitchell Ascher (Democrat, Conservative)
- Djinsad Desir (Democrat, Conservative)
- Family Court Judge
- Andrea Frances Composto (Democrat, Working Families)
Local Positions
- Clarkstown Town Council Ward 1
- Mark Brian Licker (Democrat)
- Jon Paul Valentino (Republican, Conservative)
- Clarkstown Town Justice
- Keith Braunfotel (Democrat, Conservative)
- Darren Joseph Epstein (Republican)
- Haverstraw Town Justice
- George Coffinas
- Village of Haverstraw Trustee – Vote for Two
- Joel Israel Angel Santana (Democrat, Conservative)
- Richard Sena (Democrat)
- Village of West Haverstraw Trustee
- Peter Robert Eckert
- Village of West Haverstraw Justice
- Richard Steven Pakola, Jr. (Democrat)
- Orangetown Town Council
- Christine “Chrissy” Knapp (Democrat, Working Families)
- Daniel William Sullivan (Republican, Conservative)
- Ramapo Town Justice
- Alejandra Silva Exias (Democrat, Conservative)
- Village of Nyack Trustee – Vote for Two
- Pascale Jean-Gilles (Democrat)
- Donna Lightfoot Cooper
- Village of Piermont Trustee – Vote for Two
- Nathan Samuel Mitchell (Democrat)
- Christine Marie McAndrews (Democrat)
- Village of Sloatsburg Mayor
- Darrell Lynn Frasier
- Village of Sloatsburg Trustee – Vote for Two
- Susie Marie McDonagh (Republican)
- Thomas Donnelly (Republican, Conservative)
- Theresa Bitterman Jagard (Conservative)
- Village of Sloatsburg Justice
- Jerome Jefferson (Democrat, Republican)
- Village of Spring Valley Justice
- Justin Lawrence Sweet (Democrat, Conservative)
- Thomas Mascola (Working Families)
- Village of Suffern Trustee – Vote for Two
- Angela Marie Hogue (Democrat, Working Families)
- Steven Alpert (Democrat, Working Families)