In a developing story, Suffern High School, situated at 49 Viola Rd, is currently under investigation following a bomb threat that has prompted swift action from law enforcement agencies. The Ramapo Police Department, in collaboration with the Rockland County Sheriff’s Bomb Squad unit, has taken immediate action to ensure the safety of students and staff.
As a precautionary measure, all students have been evacuated from the school premises, and classes for the day have been canceled. The safety and security of the students and faculty are the top priorities as authorities work to assess the situation.
Monsey Scoop, is closely monitoring the situation and will provide updates as more information becomes available.
Authorities are working diligently to ensure a swift resolution to this matter and to determine the credibility of the threat. The safety of all individuals involved remains paramount, and the community is encouraged to cooperate with law enforcement officials as they carry out their investigation.