After more than three decades of dedicated service, Detective Tom Curley bids farewell to the Clarkstown Police Department. Detective Curley embarked on his law enforcement journey in April 1990 as a patrol officer with the NYPD. In August 1998, the Clarkstown Police Department was fortunate to welcome his expertise, and in April 2021, he achieved the esteemed rank of detective.
Throughout his distinguished career, Detective Curley played a pivotal role as a member of the Critical Incident Response Team (CIRT) for over 20 years. His impact extended beyond investigations, as he served as the department’s lead firearms instructor, training and mentoring hundreds of officers.
The Clarkstown Police Department expressed deep gratitude to Detective Curley for his unwavering commitment and invaluable contributions. His legacy of service and leadership will resonate within the Clarkstown Police department for years to come.