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VIDEO: New York State Senator Bill Weber Leads Standing Ovation for Israeli New Citizens at Naturalization Ceremony

New York State Senator Bill Weber, representing Rockland County, led a standing ovation during the Rockland County Naturalization Ceremony as new American citizens from...

SUFFERN: Drunk Driver Causes Serious MVA Involving Motorcycle On Haverstraw Road [VIDEOS & PHOTOS]

A serious MVA involving two vehicles and a motorcycle occurred earlier today at the intersection of Haverstraw Road and Lime Kiln Road, leaving four...

PHOTOS & VIDEOS: Senator Bill Weber’s Inspiring Visit to Camp Elyon On Thursday Leaves a Lasting Impression

Senator Bill Weber made a notable visit to Camp Elyon yesterday, immersing himself in the lively atmosphere of the baseball and volleyball games. In recognition...

WATCH: Orthodox Jews Maintain Religious Beliefs In The Monsey Volunteer Fire Department

In the face of a concerning decline in firefighter recruitment across the nation, the Monsey Department (MFD) has taken a groundbreaking approach to combat...

PHOTOS & VIDEO: Siyum By Shia Frank At Lev Teen Center

A siyum was held last night at the Lev Teen Center on Tuesday night as Shia Frank concluded his journey in a mesechta. The...

MONSEY: Lightning Causes Fire On West Maple Avenue [VIDEOS & PHOTOS]

A lightening strike caused wires to go up in flames in Monsey, Monday evening. It happened at around 6:20PM on West Maple Avenue and Kingspoint...

WATCH: Helicopter Lands At Clover Stadium With Senator Roger Marshall On Board

Senator Roger Marshall landed at the Clover Stadium in Pomona, following a helicopter journey arranged by Vital Jets from NYC. He was in Monsey to...