Over the weekend, the Ramapo Police Department conducted an enforcement operation that led to 17 arrests. Among those taken into custody, nine individuals were...
In an effort to streamline traffic and reduce congestion, the Town of Ramapo has overseen significant renovations to Ellish Parkway over the past year,...
This year’s prestigious Rockland County Shields Law Enforcement Award has been presented to Ramapo Police Officer Maldonado in recognition of his courageous response to...
The Ramapo Police Department has expanded its force with the addition of two new officers, John Martinez and Godfrey Osorio. Both officers were officially...
The Ramapo Police Department is alerting residents to a new email scam circulating in the community, designed to extort money through fear and deception....
After 20 years of dedicated service, Officer Monika Rodriguez has retired from the Ramapo Police Department, leaving behind a legacy of commitment, innovation, and...
The Ramapo Police Department is currently investigating a fraudulent scheme known as the "Roofer Scam," where individuals posing as professional roofers are preying on...
This week, Ramapo Police K9 Sgt. Cooperstein and K9 Officer McRory successfully completed a specialized training session hosted by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco,...
The Ramapo Police Department proudly announced the retirement of Dispatcher Marc Sandler after an impressive 33 years of dedicated service. Marc has been a...
The Ramapo Police Department proudly announced the successful completion of its 2024 Summer Intern Program. This year, the program featured eight diligent interns, all...
West Maple Farm took to social media this Sunday afternoon to extend their heartfelt thanks to Officers Julianne Franklin, Dave Small, and Mike Alexander...
The Ramapo Police Department has extended heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to Officer Chris Barca of the City of Yonkers PD on his well-deserved...