A Monsey resident received the shock of his life upon learning that a black man had the same name as him. Well, sort of.
Ephraim Yurowitz was expecting a delivery of 3 iPhones from Verizon, and waited outside his home for UPS, to ensure that they would arrive safely and to him. But when the UPS driver showed up, he was quickly informed that his phones were already delivered – to Ephraim Yurowitz!
The UPS driver explained that as he approached the home to deliver the package, he was approached by a black man who asked for the package, and who showed an ID card with the name Ephraim Yurowitz. The driver handed over the boxes, and the man left.
Turns out, the man was a thief and went as far as forging a specific person’s name, in this case Ephraim Yurowitz, to steal packages.
Chaverim of Rockland and the Ramapo Police Department are currently investigating.