Monsey Scoop regrets to inform you of the Sudden Petira of Reb Menachem Mendel Lipa Monheit Z”L.
The Niftar Z”L was a prominent Belzer Chosid and a longtime school bus driver at the Belzer Mosdos in Monsey. He was 44 years old.
The Niftar Z”L was diagnosed with a serious illness only a week ago. On Wednesday he suffered a sudden cardiac arrest, were subsequently he was put on life support, and sadly, passed away on Thursday afternoon.
The Levaya will take place on Thursday 9:45PM at the Belzer Shul 30 Morris Road, Spring Valley. The Kevura will be at the Belzer Chelka at Har Shulem Beis HaChaim in Airmont.
Besoirois Tovos!