Monsey Scoop regrets to inform you of the sudden petira of Habocher Yosef Kornbluh A”H, son of Reb Shloma Kornbluh, a respected and prominent Belzer Chosid. The Niftar was approximately 45 years old.
The Niftar A”H had been unwell for several years and underwent a critical surgery on Tuesday. Tragically, complications arose during the procedure, and he was Niftar mid-operation at Good Samaritan Hospital.
The Levaya will take place on Tuesday evening at 7:30 PM at the Belzer Beis HaMedrash on 12 Maple Terrace, Monsey, followed by the Kevura at Har Shalom Beis Hachaim in Airmont.
May we hear only Besoirois Toivois.