Monsey Scoop regrets to inform you of the Petira of Harav Yitzchok Stern Z”L he was 86 years old.
The Niftar Z”L was a prominent Viznitzer Chosid and longtime mashgiach at the Viznitzer Yeshiva, and was one of the Meyasdim of Tosher Shtetel in Canada.
The Niftar Z”L was hospitalized on Chol Hamoed Pesach where he had been since, until he was niftar early Thursday morning.
The Levaya will take place on Thursday afternoon at the Viznitzer Shul at 25 Phyllis Terrace at approximately 6:00PM. The Kevura will be at the Viznitz Monsey Beis Hachaim.
Besoirois Toivois!
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