The New Hempstead community is set to honor the memory of HaRav Michel Chill, ZT”L, a revered founding Rav of Knesses Yisroel, with a Shloshim gathering scheduled for Monday evening at the Knesses Yisroel Shul, located at 698 Union Road.
Esteemed Rabbonim, including Rabbi Chaim Schabes, Rabbi Asher Dovid May, Rabbi Yitzchok Schwartz, and Rabbi Ephraim Wachsman, are slated to address the attendees.
Hundreds of Monsey residents still reeling from the loss of such a pivotal figure are expected to be in attendance.
The Shloshim Seudah will commence at 8:30 p.m., following Maariv at 8:15 p.m.